Customs guarantee provision — Russia

Registration and granting secure payment of customs duties and taxes upon customs transit of goods in the territory of the Russian Federation

For the transportation of foreign goods in the territory of the Russian Federation, as a participating country of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), a Customs transit procedure shall apply. The carrier or owner of the goods is required to provide a security of payment for customs taxes and duties. One of the possible ways for security is a guarantee service provided by Declarant Online.

The guarantee service is a convenient option, as the company does not need to freeze their own working capital, receive a bank guarantee or mortgage the property for the period of the transit of goods. It is now possible to work with a payment security certificate for customs duties electronically.

This is the most modern, comfortable and secure way, and with our help you can easily access it.

Required documents for the registration of the Russian Federation customs guarantee:

Name Description
CMR International commodity invoice
Packing list  
Vehicle registration cards Vehicle registration cards for the truck and the trailer
Паспорт водителя  
TIR (if necessary) TIR Carnet (as per Convention on International Transport of Goods)
Specification (if necessary) With customs codes (as per commodity nomenclature of foreign trade activities – CnoFTA or ТН ВЭД in Russian) and breakdown of cost and weight
Customs carrier certificate If applicable

Additional required information:

  • Name of the border point
  • Cell phone number of the driver
  • Approximate time when the driver will be at the border

This service can be booked by sending documents by e-mail to

Working hours: 24/7

Consultations by telephone 24 hours a day +371 2727-3838


AMI Logistics Custom Service, LLC 
Reg. No 40103428500
60 Krasta St., Riga, LV-1003, Latvia

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